Thanks to the support of our community, hard work of our team, and dedication to our mission, we are proud to announce the successful launch of JWBLNG - Jewish Women Business Leaders Network Group! We couldn't have done it without you, and we are incredibly grateful for your support!
We are so grateful to Yael Trusch, our Keynote speaker, who shared practical and powerful strategies we can all implement immediately to change our relationship with money and success. In fact there was so much gold in that talk, we're sharing it here for you to re-listen and capture every nugget of wisdom. Enjoy the richness of a new paradigm in wealth management.
Membership applications are coming in strong and we're excited to get the chaburas for Shaar HaBitachon and halacha shiurim in place, set to begin after Shavuot.
Join JWBLNG today to begin reaping the benefits.
We look forward to learning and growing with you!